Posts tagged Ruby throated hummingbird
Attracting and Caring for Hummingbirds in Minnesota

Hummingbirds have made it to their vacation destination for the Summer! Hummingbirds are very important to our Minnesota summers. They are among one of the best pollinators. Visiting up to 1,000-2,000 flowers a day, they help to spread pollen from one flower to the next allowing for more abundant blooms, and a more bountiful vegetable garden. Aside from their benefits, Hummingbird watching is a fascinating past time. The way they move so fast yet seem still, their beautiful iridescent, sun-striking colors, and the way they dance around flowers and even humans is quite joyful. We want to help you get a better understanding of hummingbirds. Follow along with us for information on hummingbird species in Minnesota, tips and tricks for attracting and caring for these beautifully, busy birds, and a hummingbird-safe nectar recipe to put in your own hummingbird feeders.

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