Top 5 Tips for Fresh Flower Preservation

Whether you buy yourself flowers (nod to Miley) or get them from someone else, keeping those beautiful blooms looking fresh involves several simple, yet effective, steps.


Here are the top five tips to help you preserver and maintain the freshness of your flowers:


1.     Clean vase and fresh water

Start by ensuring your vase is clean and free from any bacteria or debris. Fill it with fresh, room-temperature water. Changing the water every two days can prevent bacterial growth and keep the flowers hydrated.


2.     Trim stems

Before placing the flowers in the vase, trim the stems at an angle. This creates a larger surface area for water absorption, allowing the flowers to stay hydrated for longer. Trim the stems every few days to prevent them from becoming clogged and unable to absorb water.


3.     Remove any leaves below the water line

Any leaves or foliage that will be submerged in water should be removed. Leaves left underwater can promote bacterial growth, leading to a shorter vase life for your flowers.


4.     Keep away from heat and direct sunlight

Place the vase in a cool area away from direct sunlight and sources of heat, such as radiators or appliances. Heat can cause flowers to wilt prematurely, while direct sunlight can accelerate their dehydration.


5.     Use flower preservatives or homemade solutions

Consider using commercial flower preservatives that contain ingredients to nourish the flowers and inhibit bacterial growth. Alternatively, you can make a homemade solution by mixing water with a few drops of bleach and a teaspoon of sugar. The bleach helps to kill bacteria, while the sugar provides nourishment for the flowers.


By following these simple tips, you can prolong the freshness and beauty of your bouquets and cut flowers, allowing you to enjoy them for as long as possible. Stop at the Bouquet Bar at Copper Creek in NIsswa, MN to get your beautiful arrangements and flowers today!